Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Friday Sunset 7:15 PM
Saturday Sunset 7:17 PM
Sabbath School: 10:00 AM
Church Service: 11:00 AM
Speaker: Pastor Jerremy
Elder in Charge: Pastor Jerremy
General Potluck this week
Sabbath School: 10:00 AM
Church Service: 11:00 AM
Speaker: Mark Trethewey
Fellowship Potluck
Mark Trethewey of Adventist World Radio will be the guest speaker in Friday Harbor on Sabbath, March 15. Hope you will plan to come.
Bobby Kalua will be doing a 4-night series beginning Friday, April 4 thru Monday, April 7 at the Friday Harbor Church 7:00-8:30 PM.
Orcas Morning Prayer The Orcas chapel is now opened for morning prayer from 7:20 – 8:00 AM, M-F. Please drop in whenever you are able. The group that has already been meeting there is excited about growing and including as many people as possible.
Hope for Broken Branches
by Pastor Jerremy

Have you ever felt like your unbelief or sin has cut you off from God? The story of the Jew and Gentile tree is a story of hope for those who feel broken and cast aside from the body of Christ.
In Romans 11, Paul writes about how many of the Jews in his day were broken off from the tree of God’s kingdom because of their unbelief in Jesus, and how then, many non-Jews were grafted into the splintered trunk of God's kingdom when they professed their faith in Jesus.
This imagery sounds pretty dismal for the Jews. However, Paul doesn’t abandon them to despair. He continues with a picture of hope. He writes “God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.” As a result, he says that when Jews come to belief, they are welcomed back into the tree from which they were broken.
Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
Beautifully, this doesn’t only pertain to salvation. I love the fact that Paul says the “gifts” and “calling” are irrevocable. It’s never too late to come to Jesus. Not only will He save you, but He has a plan and purpose for your life at whatever stage you are in.
The invitation is simply to not stay cut-off from the body of Christ, but instead to let faith graft you back into Jesus, allowing his healing sap to course through your veins.
This is good news for broken branches!
Jerremy Foss
Prayer Requests: Email your prayer requests to Mike Parnell by Friday evening and a list will be compiled for Sabbath morning's prayer time.

Lopez Bible Study will meet each Wednesday at 7:00 PM at the LAF building. Holli & Ben will be our hosts in March.
Tuesday Night Meal & Prayer Time at the Friday Harbor Church begins at 6:00 PM. Everyone welcome.
Orcas Women's Bible Study each Wednesday at 4:00-5:30 PM in the OCS Cafe.
News in the Washington Conference
News from North Pacific Union Conference

Mission Story from Seoul, South Korea: "Storing God's Word"
The 1st Quarter 2025 supports the Northern Asia-Pacific Division
Winter Ferry Schedule is in effect now until March 22, 2025.
Five Things to Love About Spring
There’s no doubt about it—spring is a time of renewal. From longer days to the flowers in bloom, there’s lots to love about this time of year.
What spring offerings are you looking forward to most? Here are a few of our favorites—plus tips to make the most of them:
1. Longer days bring brighter moods.
Now that the days are getting longer, you’re less likely to be going to—and coming home from—work in the dark. That can be a big mood booster—especially for people who get the seasonal blues in the winter.
Just remember: Smart sun protection knows no season. Rain or shine, sunscreen is always a good idea.
2. Outdoor adventure awaits.
Warmer weather usually means more time spent outdoors. Refresh your spirit with a trail walk in the woods. Or revive your legs with a bike ride to a farmers’ market.
If you’ve been hibernating since winter first blew in, you might want to make a slow re-entry into exercise. Begin with about 10 minutes a day, and gradually work your way up to 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week. You’ll be a pro by the time summer comes along.
3. Spring produce pops back up.
Spring fruits and vegetables are back in season! Refresh your menus to include spring favorites such as:
- Asparagus
- Kale
- Rhubarb
- Spinach
- Strawberries
4. Life gets growing again.
Watching nature come back to life is one of the year’s great joys. It’s also a good time to get your own yard or garden ready for the show. Head outside to clear out last year’s dead growth. Pull those weeds. Fill your wheelbarrow with new mulch and bark chips in anticipation of new starts and blooms. All that stretching, squatting, yanking and pushing is good for body and soul.
No backyard? Plant some herbs or flowers in pots on a sunny windowsill.
5. Renew your relationships.
Spring can also be a time to strengthen family ties with treasured traditions. Maybe that’s Easter services and egg-decorating parties, an annual fun run for a good cause or the first fishing trip of the year. Whatever works for your crew, take the opportunity to reconnect and express your gratitude for their presence in your life.
Ready to head outdoors?